Abstract Using the Bethe ansatz method and the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations for the higher-spin integrable XXZ chain, the regular zero frequency contribution to the spin current correlation (spin dc conductivity) is analyzed for the spin-1/2 XXZ chain with the anisotropy 0 ⩽ Δ < 1 . In the high temperature limit, we write down the dressed scattering kernels by one quasi-particle bare energies and exactly evaluate the spin dc conductivity at zero magnetic field, which is proportional to the inverse temperature β at the β → 0 limit. We find that the high temperature proportionality constant σ 0 reg of the spin dc conductivity is discontinuous at all rational numbers of the anisotropy parameter p 0 = π / cos − 1 Δ ⩾ 2 with the gap increasing larger than the second power of growing magnetization on one quasi-particle. The isotropic Δ = 1 point is exceptional. Close to this point, σ 0 reg slowly increases in proportion to the first power of the one quasi-particle magnetization. On the other hand, σ 0 reg is proportional to the second power of the same when p 0 approaches irrational numbers.