This work establishes the relationship between climate, bioclimate, and forest ecosystems and highlights the need to teach these topics in educational institutions. It was found that such knowledge is not currently taught in universities, leading to scarce or non-existent teacher training in these areas. However, the teaching of bioclimatic aspects over a three-year period as a basis for land use planning, has shown highly positive results. The objective is to propose the teaching of bioclimatology to future managers and teachers in order to obtain a balanced environmental development. The analysis of bioclimatic diagrams makes it possible to stipulate the duration of the water reserve in the soil. This is essential for agricultural and forestry management. The edaphic factor and the bioclimatic ombrotclimatic (Io) and thermoclimatic (It/Itc) indexes condition the types of forests and crops that can exist in a territory, with the particularity that the ombrotype is conditioned by the edaphic factor, which allows a decrease in the ombrothermal index, expressed by the ombroedaphoboxerophilic index (Ioex). The humid ombrotypes condition the presence of Abies pinsapo, Quercus pyrenaica, Q. broteroi, and Q. suber, and the dry ones Q. rotundifolia and Olea sylvestris.
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