The expanding-box model of the solar wind has been adopted in the literature within the context of magnetohydrodynamics, hybrid, and full particle-in-cell simulations to investigate the dynamic evolution of the solar wind. The present paper extends such a method to the framework of self-consistent quasilinear kinetic theory. It is shown that the expanding-box quasilinear methodology is largely equivalent to the inhomogeneous steady-state quasilinear model discussed earlier in the literature, but a distinction regarding the description of wave dynamics between the two approaches is also found. The expanding-box quasilinear formalism is further extended to include the effects of a spiraling solar-wind magnetic field as well as collisional age effects. The present finding shows that the expanding-box quasilinear approach and the steady-state global-kinetic models may be employed interchangeably in order to address other more complex problems associated with the solar-wind dynamics.
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