Nine inbred lines of maize were sowing :(OH, ZP- 301, unn440, Inbreed12, Zp- 607, SH, Ik-58, IK-8 and R-153). The first five was used as a tester (males) and the reminder used as line (females) during at 2014 season (spring) according to method (Line X Tester) to obtain 20 crosses, while the evaluation season was in Shiwan province / Kirkuk governorate of parents and its crosses and the commercial variety (Moring) at spring of 2015 using Random Complete Block Design (RCBD) design with three replicates. The studied traits were: (No. of days to 50% male flowering and female flowering, plant height, ear leaf area, No. of the rows ear-1, No. of the grains row-1, No. of the grains ear-1, 100 grains weight and grain yield plant-1). The most results were summarized as follows: The genotypes (parents, crosses and commercial variety) showed significant differences at 1% level probe for all studied except days to 50% female flowering for parents. Crosses gave highly (Inbred12 X IK-58) for ear leaf area (681.06 cm) and the cross (R-153 X Inbred 12) for both No. of the grains row-1 and grain yield plant-1 (760.23 grain) and (175.457gm) respectively, the cross (Ik-58 x OH) for 100 grains weight (30.387gm). The crosses (IK-58 X OH), (SH X Zp-301), (Zp-301 X Ik-8), (Ik-8 X Un-44052), (IK-8 X Inbred12), (R-153 X Inbred12) and (SH X Zp-607) gave desired significant heterosis over the better parents as well as the commercial variety for most traits included the grain yield plant-1. The parents SH, Zp-607 and Zp-301 to be used in single cross production and synthetic varieties, also the crosses (SH X OH), (SH X Un-44052), and (R-153 X Un-44052) in double cross production and compound crosses because these hybrids put in different main and secondary groups through cluster analysis.