Purpose: The study explored phenomenological experiences of educational mentoring relationships and concerns for 21st century pedagogical praxis in Fitche pre-service primary school college of teachers’ education. The study answered the central research question “What do the phenomenological experiences of educational mentoring relationships and concerns for 21st century pedagogical praxis in Fitche pre-service primary school teacher education looks like?” Methodology: The study explored the lived experiences of instructors and pre-service teacher candidates regarding mentoring relationships through phenomenological research design. I selected 47 participants using purposive sampling technique based on teaching experience, mentors-mentees’ performance, and academic position. Findings: The data were collected using semi-structured interview, focus group discussion, and researcher’s direct observation. The researcher observed educational relationship experiences between mentors and mentees, and caused vertical and lateral effects on professional development beyond engagements in classrooms. The researcher analyzed textual and contextual data qualitatively in themes. The finding indicated that cognizant to critical realistic approach to education, the study explored mechanisms of re-educating educators towards understanding of lived experiences through contentment, contention, conflict, and conciliation of emotional sates into positive mind-sets. I observed the existing phenomenon in educational mentoring based on inquiry, sharing, encouraging, and caring occurred between mentors and mentees. Educational relationship is stronger between students and grades than mentors and mentees. Implications: Educational mentoring should improve capacity of mentors and mentees’ professional and pedagogical development practices to improve quality of pre-service teacher education.