The Yellow Sea is one of the most thoroughly studied shelf seas in the northwestern Pacific. However, many aspects of the northern Yellow Sea sediments remain poorly understood. Sedimentary chloropigments and total organic carbon (TOC) are crucial components that indicate benthic primary productivity and ecosystem functioning in the marginal sea system. The present study investigated the temporal and spatial variations of sediment chloroplastic pigments (Chl-a and Pha-a) and TOC contents in relation to seasons and the northern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (NYSCWM). Decadal trends were also examined using linear regression on time-series data from 12 cruises conducted over a nine-year period (2006–2014). The correlations between sedimentary Chorophy-a (Chl-a), Pheophorbide-a (Pha-a), TOC, and their ratios with other abiotic and biotic factors were analyzed to detect any effects of the NYSCWM on the spatiotemporal distribution of sediment Chl-a, Pha-a, TOC contents, as well as the ecological relevance of their ratios as indicators of food quality (freshness) in the benthic system. The NYSCWM substantially influences the spatial and seasonal distribution of sedimentary Chl-a, Pha-a, and TOC contents. High values of Pha-a, TOC, and the ratios of Pha-a/(Chl-a + Pha-a) and TOC/Chl-a were often observed in the central region of the NYSCWM, where Chl-a showed clear seasonal fluctuations while Pha-a and TOC remained relatively constant. While sedimentary TOC appears to negatively mirror the spatial pattern of primary productivity in the water column, the spatial pattern of sedimentary Chl-a in relation to NYSCWM is less evident. However, the contents of Pha-a and TOC in the central NYSCWM sediments were higher than those at surrounding NYSCWM stations. Surface sediment Pha-a/(Chl-a + Pha-a) ratio was negatively correlated with meiofauna abundance and biomass and positively correlated with nematode/copepod ratio. This finding indicates that the quality of sediment organic matter is important to meiofauna. Conversely, the lower organic degradation rate at the lower bottom temperature of the NYSCWM may explain the observed higher Pha-a and TOC contents in its central area. Time-series data collected over nine years at the NYSCWM stations showed a decreasing trend for Chl-a, while TOC and the ratio of Pha-a/(Chl-a + Pha-a) exhibited increasing tendencies. This trend may imply a reduced quality of food supply to the benthic food web in the shelf sea system, along with degraded ecosystem functioning and service under the impacts of global change and anthropogenic disturbances.