The temperature-dependent electro- and magneto-transport properties of a single nickel-rich CoNi alloynanowire (∼200 nm in diameter) bridging microfabricated gold electrodes were investigated. Thetemperature coefficient of resistivity (TCR) for a single nickel-rich CoNi nanowire is low incomparison with pure Ni nanowires, and this might be attributed to a higher residualresistivity. The magneto-resistance (MR) of a single nickel-rich CoNi nanowireshows typical anisotropic behaviour, where the magneto-resistance ratio decreaseswith increasing temperature and, as expected, the value is much greater than forpure Ni nanowires. The angular dependence of the magnetization switching field(HSW) indicated that the magnetization reversal mechanism for CoNi nanowiresat 300 K changed from curling to coherent rotation when the anglebetween the nanowire axis and the magnetic field direction is greater than75°.