For linear non-uniform cellular automata (NUCA) which are global perturbations of CA over an arbitrary universe, we introduce and investigate their dual linear NUCA, which are also endomorphisms over a generally infinite dimensional vector space. Generalizing results for linear CA, we show that dynamical properties namely pre-injectivity, resp. injectivity, resp. stably injectivity, resp. invertibility of a linear NUCA is equivalent to surjectivity, resp. post-surjectivity, resp. stably post-surjectivity, resp. invertibility of the dual linear NUCA. However, while bijectivity is a dual property for linear CA, it is no longer the case for linear NUCA. We prove that for linear NUCA, stable injectivity and stable post-surjectivity are precisely characterized respectively by left invertibility and right invertibility and that a linear NUCA is invertible if and only if it is pre-injective and stably post-surjective. Surprisingly, we show that linear NUCA with finite memory satisfy the shadowing property also known as the pseudo-orbit tracing property. Thus, linear NUCA can be useful for fault-tolerant computation. Applications on the dual surjunctivity are also obtained.