The study of shifts in the fertility dynamics during crisis periods along with changes in the system of family policy in European countries is a relevant direction of research for the further development of Ukraine’s demographic policy, increasing its effectiveness, especially in the period of post-war reconstruction. In this regard, the purpose of our paper is to find out the changes in trends and structural characteristics of fertility in the first years of the COVID-19 pandemic in European countries in combination with the analysis of change in family policy, effectiveness of current and implemented during this period policy measures. The main methods used in the paper were systematization and generalization of statistical information from various sources, structural-logical and comparative analysis and critical assessment of measures implemented to counter crisis situations in developed European countries. The scientific novelty consists in generalizing fertility characteristics and family policy measures to counteract the negative impact of COVID-19 pandemic on family wellbeing in European countries. The grouping of European countries was based on the changes that occurred in the fertility dynamics on the eve of the COVID-19 pandemic and in 2020—2021. In most countries, there was a decrease in the total fertility rate in 2020 followed by a rather sharp rise in 2021. This became possible due to the increase in childbirth among women of middle and older reproductive age. The countries in which there was a long period of decline in the total fertility rate before the epidemic but in 2021 fertility increased despite the complexity of the epidemiological situation (Ireland, the Netherlands, Iceland, Norway) have drawn the most attention. Consistency, comprehensiveness, adherence to principles, variety are key characteristics of family policy that strengthen reproductive resilience. Along with providing financial assistance to families with children, in many countries, parents were given additional paid leave, measures were introduced to counter the dismissal of employees who have children, support was provided to institutions that continued to provide childcare services, and remote employment opportunities were expanded. The issues of the influence of population’s trust in the government (especially in periods of crisis) on formation of reproductive intentions and their realization need further study.
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