Previous articleNext article No AccessHuxley, Haeckel, and the Oceanographers: The Case of Bathybius haeckeliiPhilip F. RehbockPhilip F. Rehbock Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Isis Volume 66, Number 4Dec., 1975 Publication of the History of Science Society Article DOI Views: 10Total views on this site Citations: 19Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1975 History of Science Society, Inc.PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:John R. Dolan Jacob Whitman Bailey (1811–1857): Ehrenberg's ambassador to America, European Journal of Protistology 85 (Aug 2022): 125907. M. Rozwadowski “Bringing Humanity Full Circle Back into the Sea”, Environmental Humanities 14, no.11 (Mar 2022): 1–28. Crockford Ocean Thinking, Environment and Society 11, no.11 (Sep 2020): 64–81. Vlaardingerbroek The Haeckelian hijack of Darwinian deism, Journal of Biological Education 54, no.44 (Apr 2019): 454–459. John Alaniz Before the “Black Box”: The Inputs and Outputs of Nineteenth-century Deep-sea Science, Science, Technology, & Human Values 45, no.44 (Oct 2019): 596–617. Roosth Turning to stone: Fossil hunting and coeval estrangement in Montana, Res: Anthropology and aesthetics 69-70 (Jan 2019): 62–75. Dukes Samuel Beckett and the fantasy of lithic preservation, Irish Studies Review 25, no.11 (Nov 2016): 24–41. Flemming EPS—Then and Now, Microorganisms 4, no.44 (Nov 2016): 41. Roosth Life, Not Itself: Inanimacy and the Limits of Biology, Grey Room 57 (Oct 2014): 56–81. Ford Doolittle Microbial neopleomorphism, Biology & Philosophy 28, no.22 (Dec 2012): 351–378. Kočandrle, Karel Kleisner Evolution Born of Moisture: Analogies and Parallels Between Anaximander’s Ideas on Origin of Life and Man and Later Pre-Darwinian and Darwinian Evolutionary Concepts, Journal of the History of Biology 46, no.11 (Aug 2012): 103–124. Vlaardingerbroek The Sorites Paradox, ?Life,? and Abiogenesis, Evolution: Education and Outreach 5, no.33 (Mar 2012): 399–401. Vlaardingerbroek Abiogenesis in Upper Secondary Biology Curricula, Evolution: Education and Outreach 3, no.33 (Mar 2010): 432–435. Nick Hopwood Pictures of Evolution and Charges of Fraud:Ernst Haeckel’s Embryological Illustrations Hopwood, Isis 97, no.22 (Jul 2015): 260–301. Rickey Welch T.H. Huxley and the ‘protoplasmic theory of life’: 100 years later, Trends in Biochemical Sciences 20, no.1111 (Nov 1995): 481–485. Shapin History of Science and its Sociological Reconstructions, (Jan 1986): 325–386. L. RICE Thomas Henry Huxley and the strange case of Bathybius haeckelii; a possible alternative explanation, Archives of Natural History 11, no.22 (Oct 1983): 169–180. N. Egerton The history of ecology: Achievements and opportunities, part one, Journal of the History of Biology 16, no.22 (Jan 1983): 259–310. Shapin History of Science and its Sociological Reconstructions, History of Science 20, no.33 (Jul 2016): 157–211.
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