Atoms in proteins, viewed as interlinked hubs, communicate with each other in complying with governed physical forces. The deviations of their positions from the mean, known as fluctuations, are essential in mediating functionally relevant biological processes maintaining one's daily life. The coupled fluctuations between pairs of atoms, the fluctuation covariance, can be determined analytically by Normal Mode Analysis, or numerically by MD simulations. Our study considers how this network of atoms reacts in response to external perturbations. Effects of such perturbations are exemplified by ligand- or (another) protein-induced conformational changes as well as the appreciated structural distortion of crystalline structures from its solution conformers. We assume the response of the system has linear departure from the mean under small perturbations on the Hamiltonian at equilibrium state. The formulated linear response theories, either time-dependent or -independent [1], says that the positional change of a given atom i is the accumulative sum of fluctuation covariance ij, at unperturbed state, multiplied by the force exerted on atom j. The time-dependent response function determined from MD simulation of carbonmonoxy myoglobin is used to track time-dependent conformational changes upon photo-dissociation of CO. The consequently obtained understanding of perturbation propagation is compared with experimental results. Also, the structural distortion of X-ray-characterized ubiquitin from its solution conformer can be well explained by the induce-fit theory, in a wider sense, while population-shift does not account for such a deviation.[1] Ikeguchi M, Ueno J, Sato M, and Kidera A. (2005) Phys Rev Lett, 94, 078102.
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