Most detector systems used for positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) are very expensive due to the use of inorganic plastic scintillators combined with a high number of readout electronic channels. This work aims to reduce the overall cost of a PEPT-capable detector system by using large and cost-effective plastic scintillators and developing custom 2 × 2 silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays, preamplifiers, and discriminators. The use of long (20mm × 20mm × 1000 mm) plastic scintillator bars read out with photodetectors only at their respective ends allows an overall smaller number of photodetectors and associated readout electronics, which in turn reduces the overall cost of the system. In addition, the development of a custom SiPM array and preamplifier allows a free selection of interconnection and readout, as most commercial producers only offer specific types of interconnections and therefore lack other connections such as serial or hybrid. Thus, several common circuit types for SiPMs and preamplifiers were tested and compared in this work, and it was found that a serial connection implemented in a hybrid interconnection for the SiPMs and an inverting preamplifier based on a high-frequency operational amplifier provided the best results for the proposed detector system. Measured with a 22Na source, the combination of SiPM array and preamplifier led to a rise time of 3.7ns and a signal amplitude of 175 mV.
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