This study aims to design a Decision Support System (DSS) that implements the Profile Matchingmethod for the selection of honorary employees in the Lamandau District Government. The oftennon-systematic selection process results in less objective decisions, necessitating a system that canenhance effectiveness and transparency in decision-making. The Profile Matching method is usedto compare the profiles of candidates with predetermined criteria, leading to a fairer and moreaccurate selection process. Data were collected through interviews with relevant stakeholders inthe Lamandau District Government, which were then analyzed to identify appropriate selectioncriteria. The findings indicate that the application of DSS can reduce subjectivity and improveclarity in the evaluation process. Additionally, the designed computer-based system facilitatesfaster data processing and presents information in a more comprehensible manner. Thus, thisresearch is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of employee selectionsystems in local government and enhance the quality of human resources in public service. Theimplementation of information technology in DSS is anticipated to serve as a reference for futureresearch in decision-making and human resource management.
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