MISG 2020
 University of Newcastle, Australia
 28 January -- 1 February, 2020
 This special Section of the ANZIAM Journal (Electronic Supplement) contains the refereed papers from the 2020 Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group (MISG 2020) held at the University of Newcastle from 28 January -- 1 February 2020. The MISG is a special interest meeting of ANZIAM, the Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM) division of the Australian Mathematics Society. The MISG meetings take place annually and provide a forum where projects proposed by industry can be worked on intensively, by high profile scientists in the fields of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research, from Australia, New Zealand and the world beyond, along with representatives from the industries proposing the projects.
 The writing of these papers was coordinated by the project moderators in consultation with the coauthors and company representatives. The manuscripts were submitted to the editors, Associate Professor Mike Meylan, Professor Ngamta Thamwattana and Professor Tony Roberts, and were subsequently refereed by two expert referees. On the advice of the referees, manuscripts were accepted for publication, subject to the recommended revisions, and formally approved by the editorial committee.
 At MISG 2020, six projects were presented from diverse industries, with 78 delegates participating.
 Industry Partners
 We gratefully acknowledge the support of our industry partners:
 Lovells Springs;
 Hyper Q Aerospace.
 In addition to our industry partners, we gratefully acknowledge support from the following organisations:
 Office of the NSW Chief Scientist \& Engineer, Department of Industry, NSW Government;
 Priority Research Centre: Computer Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications, The University of Newcastle;
 Faculty of Science, The University of Newcastle.
 We are also grateful to Professor Ryan Loxton from the Centre for Optimisation and Decision Science, Curtin University, for giving a public lecture on power of optimisation research in mining, energy, and agriculture industries, as part of the MISG's outreach event and acknowledge the support from the Hunter Branch of the Royal Society of NSW in promoting the public lecture. We are also grateful to Professor Mark McGuinness (Victoria University of Wellington), Professor Troy Farrell (Queensland University of Technology), Associate Professor Amie Albrecht (University of South Australia) and Dr Neville Fowkes (University of Western Australia) for their helpful advice and comments in organising the MISG 2020.
 MISG2020 Organising Committee
 Professor Ngamta Thamwattana (Co-Director)
 Associate Professor Mike Meylan (Co-Director)
 Mrs Juliane Turner (Administrative Support)
 Dr David Allingham (Technical Support)
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