The pair production of Higgs bosons at the LHC can give information about the triple Higgs boson coupling. We perform an analytic one-loop calculation of the amplitudes for a pair of Higgs bosons in association with three partons, retaining the exact dependence on the quark mass circulating in the loop. These amplitudes constitute the real radiation corrections in the calculation of Higgs boson pair production at next-to-leading order in the strong coupling. The results of an analytic generalised-unitarity computation are simplified via analytic reconstruction in spinor variables. Compact ansätze for kinematic pole residues are iteratively fitted via p-adic evaluations near said poles and subtracted until no pole remains. A new ansatz construction is introduced to minimally parametrise coefficients of amplitudes with multiple massive external legs. The simplified expressions are faster to evaluate than automatic codes and can lead to more stable results near singular regions.