Abstract Statement: Our engineering students must work in interdisciplinary domains, understand customer needs and solve real problems and build proof-of-concept (POC) and prototype products in four years. This process of product based learning must be developed from first year itself and sustained through-out four years in entrepreneurial eco-system. Motivation: With rapid advancements in Industry and pace of Industry 4.0 revolution, Engineering Education must enhance project based learning (Project BL) methodology to product based learning (Product BL). Our engineering students must work in interdisciplinary domains, understand customer needs and solve real problems. Our motivation is to transform engineering campuses into Product Innovation Centers. Statement of Methods: The product orientation starts in the first year of engineering with innovative engineering exploration course. This course is a unique Activity Based Learning Process. All engineering discipline students apply concepts to solve real time multidisciplinary problems. A specially designed Learning Studio and Thinkering Lab enhances learning outcome and students demonstrate their projects in an exhibition. The entrepreneurial talent development also starts in first year by an industry expert designed and delivered hands-on entrepreneurship development course. This elective course is delivered with the outcome of developing students for their own start-up incubation after graduation or before. In the second year, students enhance their product skills-set either through elective product design course or continue to enhance ideas from first year in the Thinkering Lab. In the third and fourth year, we have unique concept of “Living Labs”. Under Living Labs, students develop proof-of-concept and proto-type products under the guidance of Industry experts in interdisciplinary and entrepreneurial environment. We have two platforms in institute, one is IOT and another is Autonomous Electric Vehicle (AEV) platform. In IOT, three departments; Electronics, Computer Science and IT students work together in SMART campus, Agriculture, Healthcare domains to develop IOT prototypes, install them in customer environment for field trials and have at least one key customer. All products have end to end loop taking data from sensors, storing them into cloud and driving output sensors after analytics. In AEV, all seven departments - Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Automobile, Electronics, Computer Science and IT are involved for their student’s final year Capstone project and built prototype partial Automated Electric Car. The objective of AEV is to provide students interdisciplinary industry environment at the institute and develop product mind-set, quality and customer orientation. After ideas are validated, prototypes are built, students with entrepreneurial mind-set are encouraged form start-up in campus Technology Business Incubator (TBI) and mentored by Industry Experts for start-ups. In summary, product based learning in all four years in interdisciplinary environment under the guidance of industry experts enhances learnings and jump start students to face industry life while in campus itself. We have two Industry Experts in our Institute working with our students, faculty and TBI. Results: The results described here are for one year. We have all 450 first year students completed engineering exploration course and demonstrated 120 mini products in an exhibition. In IOT, we have 15 students, demonstrated 5 products with one start-up formed by students/faculty together. In AEV, we have 50 students, worked on 8 projects and demonstrated working proof of concept of partial autonomous Electric Vehicle. Our Technology Business Incubator has 7 start-ups and received Maharashtra State Innovation Society Rs5Cr funding.
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