Within the framework of the impacts of the First Globalization, which meant an integration of goods and factor markets on a global scale and good performance for Latin American economies, the following work analyzes the beginnings of the agricultural boom in the province of Buenos Aires. The importance of this process lies in the fact that, once the structural obstacles have been overcome, the Pampas region will go through a process of economic growth based on the boom in exports that will allow it as a country to converge with the most developed economies. The intention is to show how and from where agricultural production increased. Based on the handwritten records of the II Economic-Social Census of Argentina, prepared in 1895 and complementary sources, the centrality of the extensive model is clarified for the initial years since different parallel productive systems are identified (ejidos, colonies, ranches and agricultural centers) Likewise, the possible profitability equation of agricultural producers in relation to land and machinery is shown.
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