Reading comprehension problems and internalizing and externalizing problems have a high co-occurrence in middle elementary (grades 3–5) children. This study adopted a three-wave longitudinal design to explore the bidirectional relationship between reading comprehension and internalizing/externalizing problems in a sample of 754 middle-grade elementary children (Mage = 8.54, SD = 0.68; 273 girls) from three elementary schools in China. After controlling for gender, age, and family SES, and the autoregressive effects, the cross-lagged model results showed that (1) reading comprehension and externalizing problems were significantly related to each other in grades 3 to 5; while (2) there was only a unidirectional predictive effect of reading comprehension on internalizing problems in grades 3 to 5; and (3) there were also bidirectional effects between reading comprehension and externalizing problems. Our findings highlight the dynamic nature of the relationships between reading comprehension, internalizing problems, and externalizing problems in middle elementary school children.
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