Myronenko V. V. Scientific and theoretical understanding of the problems of nuclear proliferationin the approaches of Western scientists. – Article.The article examines the characteristic features in the approaches of scientists of Western political scienceschools on the problems of nuclear proliferation. The factors of influence of political regimes in states anddoctrinal foundations of the policy of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons have been determined. In the courseof the study, methods from the sphere of political science were used, in particular, the method of comparativeinstitutional analysis, the essence of which is to compare various scientific and theoretical characteristics ofstate policy in the field of nuclear proliferation. Much attention is paid to the classical normative-institutionalmethod of the normative approach, operating with value assessments of scientific-theoretical and analyticalapproaches and research results, which is carried out using the criteria of such assessments contained in thedoctrinal assessments of political programs in the focus of which are nuclear missile potentials. The use of themethod of comparative institutional analysis made it possible to form the key point of the methodologicalsection of applied research, which consists in the operationalization of the concepts of the theoretical hypothesisof the research of scientists, whose scientific approaches are in the focus of this article.The study of scientific approaches indicates the presence of a common position of scientists regardingthe peculiarities of the types of political regimes of states, in which the state can be a potential participantin the nuclear missile policy as a subject. In particular, it should be summarized that among such states theleaders with democratic regimes (USA, Great Britain, France, etc.), however, states with authoritarian andtotalitarian regimes are represented in smaller numbers among the subjects of nuclear missile policy (Russia,China, DPRK). A characteristic feature of the policy of states with nuclear missile complexes, researchers haverecognized the tendency towards most compliance with the norms of international legal regulation of nuclearpolicy, which affected the low world trend of proliferation of nuclear missile weapons. Scientific researchshows one of the dominant economic factors and the factor of international economic integration, which affectthe containment of the proliferation of nuclear missiles.
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