Texture recognition have received tremendous attentions in the past decades, due to its wide applications in computer vision and pattern recognition. For various applications, formulating texture features in distributional forms can sometimes provide meaningful representation than in numerical forms. In this paper, a generalized probabilistic decision-based neural network (GPDNN), based on a novel methodology for the measurement of the difference between two distributions, is proposed for texture recognition. Based on a two-layer pyramid-type network structure, the proposed GPDNN receives texture data via 2-D grid input nodes, and outputs the classification and/or retrieval results at the top layer node. Our prototype system demonstrates a successful utilization of GPDNN to the texture recognition on 40 texture images selected from the MIT Vision Texture (VisTex) database. Regarding the performance, experiment results show that (1) based on the proposed distribution difference measurement method, the texture retrieval accuracy is improved from 77% to 82% by comparing with some recently published leading methods, and (2) the proposed GPDNN has significant improvements in classification accuracy from 82.2% to 90.1% and retrieval accuracy from 79.9% to 88.6% by comparing with traditional approaches.