In 1992, the School of Medicine at Oregon Health Sciences University inaugurated a Principles of Clinical Medicine (PCM) course as part of an overall curricular revision. The PCM course, which covers the first and second years of medical school, integrates material from ten separate courses in the previous curriculum. Students learn longitudinally over the two years, rather than "cramming" discrete areas of knowledge and then moving on. Course sessions are related to concurrently taken basic science classes. Meeting two afternoons per week, the PCM course offers preceptorships, health care issues sessions, and patient examination sessions. The PCM course aims to encompass the body of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become a competent physician. First- and second-year students have more opportunities than previously to interact with patients and practicing physicians in the community. Competition between learning areas, student perceptions of "soft" and "hard" courses, teacher recruitment, and administrative burnout are ongoing difficulties, while faculty recognition and development, administrative commitment and flexibility, and student and faculty feedback all contribute to the success of the course. The PCM course is now the backbone of the first two years of medical school and creates a solid foundation for the third and fourth years.
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