<p indent="0mm">The standard model (SM) of particle physics has proved to be a huge success in describing the microscopic structures of matter and the behaviors of strong, weak and electromagnetic forces, but it is incomplete in some aspects. For example, the SM itself provides no answer about the origin of tiny neutrino masses, and it fails in accounting for the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. To go beyond the SM, one may wonder whether there exists an intrinsic connection between the solutions to these two fundamental issues in particle physics and cosmology. It is argued that the seesaw mechanism for neutrino mass generation and the associated leptogenesis mechanism for cosmological baryogenesis may pave a way for our deeper understanding of the origin of neutrino masses and mysterious disappearance of primordial antimatter of the Universe. Behind these two mechanisms is the existence of heavy and sterile Majorana neutrinos, which interact with the known (light and active) neutrinos via the Yukawa interactions. The SM contains no right-handed neutrino fields, and hence there is no way to write out a Dirac neutrino mass term. The simplest way to go beyond the SM is to introduce the right-handed neutrino fields and allow for lepton number violation. In this case the right-handed neutrino fields and their charge-conjugate counterparts may constitute a Majorana mass term which, together with the Yukawa interactions between left- and right-handed neutrino fields via the Higgs field, leads us to the origin of tiny Majorana masses for three active neutrinos. Such a seesaw mechanism attributes the smallness of active neutrino masses to the largeness of sterile neutrino masses as compared with the electroweak scale. The lepton-number-violating and CP-violating decays of those heavy degrees of freedom in the early Universe may produce a net lepton-antilepton asymmetry, and the latter may be partly converted into a net baryon-antibaryon asymmetry via the sphaleron process. This is just the leptogenesis mechanism, and it has attracted a lot of attention thanks to the observations of neutrino oscillations in the past decades. The seesaw and leptogenesis scenarios are correlated with each other, and they provide an elegant way of accounting for the cosmological baryon-antibaryon asymmetry and tiny neutrino masses. A pressing question is how to test such a “killing two birds with one stone” picture at low-energy experiments. It seems that a direct test of this picture is extremely difficult or even impossible, but one may always collect various “fossils” of heavy Majorana neutrinos which might have played a crucial role in the early Universe. In this connection it will be greatly helpful to verify the Majorana nature of massive neutrinos by observing the neutrinoless double-beta decays, to measure CP violation in neutrino oscillations and to test unitarity of the 3×3 flavor mixing matrix of three active neutrinos.
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