To assess the prevalence and the management of the lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) in institutionalized handicapped adults. Descriptive transversal observational study. Epidemiological study. In this study realized in 150 residents of 6 nursing homes for adult, the prevalence of LUTD in institutionalized handicapped adults was 88.67% (133/150). This prevalence was 91.36% (74/81) for women versus 85.51% (59/69) for men, (P=0.260); 93.33% (14/15) in medical housing units [foyer d'accueil médicalisé (FAM)] versus 88.15% (119/135) in specialized housing units [maison d'accueil spécialisé (MAS)], (P=1); 80% (52/65) for those who walked without technical support, 89.47% (17/19) for those who walked with technical support, 98.08% (51/52) for the wheelchair users who were not able to walk, and 92.86% (13/14) for those who were not able to walk or to use wheelchair, (P=0.004); 69.81% (37/53) for those who were able to signal the need to void versus 98.97% (96/97) for those who were not able, (P=0.0000003); 76.92% (50/60) for those who were able to realize the transfers independently, versus 97.65% (83/85) for those who were not able, (P=0.0002); 67.39% (31/46) for those who could dress and undress by themselves versus 98.08% (102/104) for those who could not, (P=0.0000002); 77.27% (17/22) for water intake>2L, 91.67% (55/60) between 1.5 and 2L, 87.5% (49/56) between 1 and 1.5L, and 100% (12/12) for water intake<1L, (P=0.170). The LUTD were more frequent in people with physical disability (OR=10.70[1.53-75.09], P=0.017), in those with mental disability (OR=5.85[1.39-24.67], P=0.016), and in those with urological comorbidity (OR=9.70[1.25-75.55], P=0.03). For the management of the LUTD, the prevalence of expert medical advice was 9.77%, 24.81% (33/133) for the further examination, 16.54% (22/133) for rehabilitation treatment, 6.77% (9/133) for drug treatment, 2.26% (3/133) for surgical treatment, and 82.71% (110/133) for medical device. In this study, the prevalence of LUTD in institutionalized handicapped adults was 88.67%. 4.