This paper by Le et al. (2020) is a valuable addition to the literature because it provides evidence regarding the trajectories of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children with language disorders from the ages of 4-13years. The authors found that higher language scores were associated with better HRQoL particularly in the school and social domains. Of the children in the low language group, 40% were in the stable-high HRQoL trajectory, while the others were in the reduced-slow-decline (26%) and low-rapid-decline (34%) HRQoL groups. Despite the prevalence of language disorder and its impact on many aspects of children's everyday lives, many professionals and members of the public are still unaware of this condition and its potential consequences. The publication of the Le et al. (2020) paper is timely because it coincides with a call to action to support these children by McGregor (2020). McGregor (2020) argued that we fail children with developmental language disorders both in terms of research and service provision. In her recent discussion paper, she provided evidence that these children face significant risks with regard to academic achievement: they are 6 times more likely to have reading disabilities, 6 times more likely to have spelling difficulties, 4 times more likely to have difficulties with mathematics and 12 times more likely to present with all three difficulties.
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