An herbal supplement made with thyme, mint, cilantro, and rowan and viburnum fruit has been used to fortify wheat bread with antioxidants. The antioxidant activity of raw materials and bread was determined by the spectrophotometric method. To determine substances with antioxidant properties, the HPLC method was used. The chromatogram of the alcoholic extract of the herbal supplement showed that the supplement contains organic acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins. The HPLC method was used to determine the amount of flavonoids in the supplement and bread. Micrographs of the surface of slices of bread with a phytonutrient were obtained by scanning electron microscopy. The presence of chemical elements with antioxidant properties was determined using an X-ray EMF detector in the scanning electron microscope system. The use of phytonutrients in bread technology has been found to lead to an increase in the quality of the product and its antioxidant activity.
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