The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is commonly activated in response to unpredictable conditions, including unstable or inadequate food supply. Extended exposure to unpredictable food resources can alter HPA axis function, with the potential for negative fitness consequences. We addressed the interrelationships of unpredictable food resources, HPA axis activity, and food intake in adult and juvenile zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Finches exposed to prolonged periods of unpredictable food elevate corticosterone (the primary avian glucocorticoid) when food is unavailable; however, whether they experience chronic elevation in baseline corticosterone during periods of unpredictability, even when food is available, is unclear. We subjected adults and juveniles to an extended period of temporally unpredictable food (consisting of a random daily fast) or predictable food supply. We investigated baseline corticosterone under fed conditions and in response to an acute fast (mimicking the daily fasting periods in the unpredictable treatment), and assessed differences in body mass, food intake, and corticosterone responses to restraint. Regardless of sex and age, individuals in both treatment groups elevated corticosterone when fasted, and baseline corticosterone under fed conditions was indistinguishable between groups. Thus, corticosterone levels were not persistently elevated in the unpredictably fed group. Treatment groups did not differ in body mass or corticosterone responses to restraint, but unpredictably fed birds consumed food more rapidly when food was available. Our findings suggest that the unpredictably fed birds experienced repeated, moderate elevations in corticosterone. Such elevations may aid birds in coping with unpredictable food sources, in part by activating compensatory changes in foraging behavior.
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