The paper deals with quantitative measurements of the degree of exfoliation on three aluminium-lithium alloys (Al-Li-Cu, 8090 and 2091) in under-aged and over-aged conditions and on 7075-T7351, 7175-T6511 and 2024-T351. A special device was used in this work to measure the forces developed by the corrosion products during exfoliation in Exco-solution. Potentiokinetic curves were obtained on these alloys in Exco-solution and sodium chloride solutions (0.6, 1, 2 and 4 M Cl −) at a sweep rate of 1000 mV min −1, to determine the pitting potential, E p , of each alloy. The curve obtained by plotting the forces developed by the exfoliation process as a function of time could be divided into two stages; an incubation period, t 1 , was followed by an increase in the forces to a level corresponding to a time of exfoliation equal to 240 h ( F 240h ). The results obtained were compared to those observed in the conventional Exco-test (ASTM G34). Finally, stress-corrosion cracking tests using the slow strain-rate tensile technique were carried out on the aluminium-lithium alloys, either in Exco-solution or in the sodium chloride solutions containing various chloride concentrations. The results obtained show that, when the time of incubation, t 1 , increases, the force of exfoliation, F 240h , decreases and the resistance to stress-corrosion cracking, R SCC , increases. This resistance is sensitive to the copper content, i.e. R SCC decreases also when the copper content increases. It is concluded that t 1 may be taken as an exfoliation criterion.