We consider the open unit disk D equipped with the hyperbolic metric and the associated hyperbolic Laplacian L. For λ∈C and n∈N, a λ-polyharmonic function of order n is a function f:D→C such that (L−λI)nf=0. If n=1, one gets λ-harmonic functions. Based on a Theorem of Helgason on the latter functions, we prove a boundary integral representation theorem for λ-polyharmonic functions. For this purpose, we first determine nth-order λ-Poisson kernels. Subsequently, we introduce the λ-polyspherical functions and determine their asymptotics at the boundary ∂D, i.e., the unit circle. In particular, this proves that, for eigenvalues not in the interior of the L2-spectrum, the zeroes of these functions do not accumulate at the boundary circle. Hence the polyspherical functions can be used to normalise the nth-order Poisson kernels. By this tool, we extend to this setting several classical results of potential theory: namely, we study the boundary behaviour of λ-polyharmonic functions, starting with Dirichlet and Riquier type problems and then proceeding to Fatou type admissible boundary limits.