2-indanone was deuterated by refluxing with D 2O and by acid catalyzed enolization, yielding seven distinct molecular species. Samples containing differing total percent deuteration, as determined from mass spectral data, were extracted during the reaction. Using a simulation program, the hydrogen–deuterium exchange was deemed to be a statistically random process. The optically detected magnetic resonance spectrum showed multiple traps in these partially deuterated samples. Seven well-resolved peaks were observed in one of the transitions, while in the other, deconvolution of the spectra assuming Gaussian line shapes yielded all seven lines. In 2-indanone, the third transition is not observed. Correlations were made between the seven peaks in the two transitions by electron–electron spin double resonance, and the zero-field splittings of each of the multiple traps were determined. The seven molecular species generated in the deuteration were correlated to specific zero-field transitions by analyzing the ODMR of samples which had a higher concentration of specific partially deuterated molecules. An analysis of these energies indicated that the shift was the result of a change in the D value which was about 8.1 MHz per additional deuterium. The E value changed little, −2.6 MHz per added deuterium. In addition, the analysis of the integrated intensities indicated that one of the two out-of-plane geometries of the carbonyl group in 2-indanone was favored over the other. Difference in the zero-point energies of the double minimum potential surface was postulated to be the cause.
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