Previous articleNext article No AccessDiscussionThe Justification of PaternalismBernard Gert, and Charles M. CulverBernard Gert Search for more articles by this author , and Charles M. Culver Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Ethics Volume 89, Number 2Jan., 1979 Article DOI Views: 45Total views on this site Citations: 27Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1979 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Dana Mahmoud‐Elhaj, Braden Tanner, David Sabatini, Adam Feltz Measuring objective knowledge of potable recycled water, Journal of Community Psychology 48, no.66 (Jul 2020): 2033–2052. Etchanchu, Marie-Laure Djelic Old Wine in New Bottles? Parentalism, Power, and Its Legitimacy in Business–Society Relations, Journal of Business Ethics 160, no.44 (May 2018): 893–911. Archard Parental power, children’s rights, and normative theory, Journal of Political Power 11, no.11 (Feb 2018): 115–119.ír Masaryk, Mária Hatoková Qualitative inquiry into reasons why vaccination messages fail, Journal of Health Psychology 22, no.1414 (Jul 2016): 1880–1888. M. Veatch Prescription Paternalism: The Morality of Restricting Access to Pharmaceuticals, (Feb 2017): 135–152. Sangdeuk Kim A Study on the Justification of Paternalism in Medical Practic, Korean Journal of Medical Ethics 19, no.44 (Dec 2016): 447–469. Salvat Behavioral Paternalism, Revue de philosophie économique Vol. 15, no.22 (Jan 2015): 109–130. Dworkin Defining Paternalism, (Jan 2015): 17–29. Fowler Perfectionism for children, anti-perfectionism for adults, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 44, no.3-43-4 (Jan 2020): 305–323. B. Resnik Paternalistic Food and Beverage Policies: A Response to Conly, Public Health Ethics 7, no.22 (Jun 2014): 170–177. References, (Mar 2013): 177–214. C. Manson Informed Consent, (Feb 2013). j. garren PATERNALISM, PART II, Philosophical Books 48, no.11 (Jan 2007): 50–59. R. Greene Paternalism in supervisory relationships, Social Thought 21, no.22 (Jan 2002): 17–31. Fluehr-Lobban Informed Consent in Anthropological Research: We Are Not Exempt 1, Human Organization 53, no.11 (Mar 1994): 1–10. F. Childress Ethical Theories, Principles, and Casuistry in Bioethics: An Interpretation and Defense of Principlism, (Jan 1994): 181–201. A. Robertson The Geography of Competency, (Jan 1991): 127–148. GARZÓN VALDÉS On Justifying Legal Paternalism, Ratio Juris 3, no.s1s1 (Mar 1990): 173–184. Macklin Ethical Theory and Applied Ethics, (Jan 1989): 101–124. Schmelzer, Marion G. Anema Should Nurses Ever Lie to Patients?, Image: the Journal of Nursing Scholarship 20, no.22 (Oct 2007): 110–112. J. Powell Ethical Principles and Issues of Competence in Counseling Adolescents, The Counseling Psychologist 12, no.33 (Sep 1984): 57–68. J. Winslade Informed consent in psychiatric practice: The primacy of ethics over law, Behavioral Sciences & the Law 1, no.44 (Jan 1983): 47–56. Young Autonomy and Paternalism, Canadian Journal of Philosophy Supplementary Volume 8 (Jan 2020): 47–66. Woodward Paternalism and Justification, Canadian Journal of Philosophy Supplementary Volume 8 (Jan 2020): 67–89. M. Culver, Bernard Gert The Morality of Involuntary Hospitalization, (Jan 1981): 159–175. Siegler, Ann Dudley Goldblatt Clinical Intuition: A Procedure for Balancing the Rights of Patients and the Responsibilities of Physicians, (Jan 1981): 5–31. Regionalization of Surgical Services, New England Journal of Medicine 302, no.1818 (May 1980): 1034–1035.
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