In view of a rapidly changing environment there is the need to better understand the response of ecosystems to global changes of climate and land use. While there are substantial ongoing efforts in monitoring fluxes of carbon (C), water and nitrogen (N) between ecosystems and their environment (e.g. Baldocchi, 2008; Sutton et al., 2012), there is still an insufficient understanding of the processes underpinning biogeochemical cycles at the interfaces between atmosphere, plant, soil and microbes. One important field that deserves increasing attention concerns plant – soil interactions (see also recent special issue, Subke et al., 2012), whose study has so far been limited by considerable methodological problems, in particular in terms of the soil compartment. Stable isotopes are a powerful tool for tracing elements and for unravelling plant and soil processes as well as their coupling to the atmosphere at various temporal and spatial scales. Stable isotopes have yielded significant breakthroughs, such as identifying the imprint of biospheric CO2 fluxes from terrestrial ecosystems on the atmosphere (using13C and 18O), separating autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration in soils (13C) and quantifying atmospheric N2 inputs to ecosystems (15N) and their impact on ecosystem functions (Ciais et al., 1995; Yakir and Sternberg, 2000; Robinson, 2001; Flanagan et al., 2005; Dawson and Siegwolf, 2007; Bowling et al., 2008). Over the last decade, advances in measurement techniques, e.g. laser spectrometry and compound specific analysis, have enabled scientists to apply stable isotopes to study processes in environmental research in so far unprecedented resolution and detail. International efforts to network scientists applying stable isotopes in different earth system science disciplines, such as COST Action ES0806 Stable Isotopes in BiosphereAtmosphere-Earth System Research (SIBAE), resulted in further advancements of our mechanistic understanding. This special issue on “Stable Isotopes and Biogeochemical Cycles in Terrestrial Ecosystems” highlights some of these recent advances and presents reviews and case studies addressing the following topics: (1) tracing C from photosynthetic assimilation to respired CO2, soil organic matter and soil biota, (2) unraveling and upscaling nitrogen dynamics, (3) analyzing linkages between carbon and water cycles, and (4) applying isotopes for constraining global biogeochemical models. C allocation is a key process in terrestrial ecosystems, whose dynamics are still poorly understood but can now be studied in some detail using isotopic tracers combined with compound-specific analysis and/or isotope laser spectroscopy (Bruggemann et al., 2011; Epron et al., 2012). The natural stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of respiratory substrates and of plantand soil-respired CO2 follows pronounced diel variations, which typically decrease from leaves to trunks and roots (Gavrichkova et al., 2011; Werner and Gessler, 2011). These are most likely determined by post-photosynthetic fractionation processes as related to changes in C allocation to different metabolic pathways, and by a mixing of substrates and of component fluxes (Werner and Gessler, 2011). In situ pulse labeling experiments on mature trees indicate that the patterns of C allocation to belowground respiration are species-specific and change seasonally depending on the phenology of species (Epron et al., 2011). Stress, e.g. induced by chronic ozone exposure, can reduce the allocation of recent photosynthates to stem and root respiration (Ritter et al., 2011; cf. also Bruggemann et al., 2011). Long-term tracer application of CO2 by free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) permits identifying the diurnal
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