Stock market prediction (SMP) is one of the most important areas in finance that greatly helps investors and financial institutions to anticipate market fluctuations and make wise decisions. This becomes very important in view of the potential challenge of obtaining optimum revenues and effective portfolio management strategies in view of the volatile market environments typically governed by underlying economic and socio-political influences. This paper proceeds to categorize stock prediction works into three principal categories: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based models, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)-based models, and hybrid models using more than one forecasting technique. We reviewed nine research papers and compared them in view of different datasets to show efficacy distinctions among these methodologies. Our experiments stated that the hybrid models that marry the spatial data processing ability of CNNs to the temporal sensitivity of RNNs outperform other approaches in accuracy and strength of predictions. This synthesis approach captures complex patterns more efficiently as well as relevant to the dynamic nature of financial markets. Results underscore the potential contribution of hybrid frameworks being a leading methodology for future developments in SMP. Further improving these models with the advancements of machine learning and data analytics may likely push the boundaries of what is feasible in financial forecasting.
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