In this scientific research, attention is paid to the functioning of the Ukrainian and Polish blogospheres.The popular science blogs of those blogospheres with the widest audience are considered. The problem is urgent, since blogs on various platforms are not only informative or entertaining, but also educational.It is already possible to receive educational, scientific and cognitive information from blogs. In fact, popular science blogs function as a relatively free educational resource that operates parallel to government and commercial institutions. Based on the theoretical developments of Ukrainian scientists, we can say that blogs, in which you can use audiovisual and textual components, are the most convenient means of creating popular scientific content. Actually, this meets the demands of the modern consumer of information. The novelty of the article lies inrevealing the specifics and trends of the functioning of popular science blogs and highlighting the features of blogs on the YouTube platform, which have audiovisual and textual capabilities for creating popular science content. Based on the ranking and content analysis, it was found that the most popular are historical topics, followed by natural sciences, astrology, medicine and psychology. In particular, the top five popular Ukrainian blogs include: «Imeni T.H. Shevchenka (Named after T. H. Shevchenko)», «Istoriia bez mifiv (History without myths)», «Kliatyyratsionalist (Damn rationalist)», «WAS: Populiarnaistoriia (WAS: Popular history)», «Interesting science». And among Polish popular science blogs, «Historia bez cenzury», «SciFun», «emce», «Uwaga! NaukowyBełkot», «Polimaty». On the basis of the analyzed popular science blogs, the following trends have been identified: the presentation of material in the blogs has features of the author’s journalistic programs; use of historical methods of science; use of emotionally colored vocabulary, subjective judgments and other artistic techniques in materials (in their titles, on the covers or in the videos themselves); features of citation of sources of information used in a blog differ in blogs on different subjects (while all the blogs note their sources, their mention specifically in the description of the video is mostly absent in materials on historical subjects, but present in the rest of the studied blogs).
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