While passive sampling of ultra-low aqueous concentrations of hydrophobic organic compounds in environmental aqueous media has emerged as a promising analytical technique, there is a lack of good understanding of the fundamental diffusive processes. In this research, we used a fluorophore, pyrene, as a model compound to track diffusion in polymers through absorption and environmental media exchange processes. We directly tracked the penetration of pyrene into polyethylene (PE) and polyoxymethylene (POM) rods during absorption from water by sectioning the rod after different stages of absorption and observing the fluorescence signal through a microscope. Diffusion profiles of pyrene in polymers were simulated by numerical integration of Fickian diffusion. The results indicated that the uptake process in PE is governed by Fick's law and the absorption and desorption kinetics are similar in this polymer. However, the observed uptake profiles of pyrene in POM were non-Fickian and the release kinetics out of POM was slower compared to uptake into the polymer. We show that slower desorption from POM makes corrections for nonequilibrium using performance reference compounds (PRCs) problematic for deployments in water or sediment where there is significant advection. However, for static sediment deployments, the overall kinetics of exchange is controlled by slow transport through sediment and the hysteretic behavior of POM may not preclude the use of PRCs to interpret equilibrium status.
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