Temporal variation in macroinfaunal community structure wasassessed from monthly monitoring of the sandy substrate of theLucero reef flat in Bolinao, Pangasinan (northwesternPhilippines)between November 1990 and November 1991. The community wascomposedof 98 taxa from 10 phyla and was consistently dominated by thepolychaete family Syllidae (19–33% of monthly totalabundance).Five polychaete and crustacean taxa co-dominated with thesyllidsand exhibited monthly shifts in dominance ranks. Overall,there wasno significant change in the composition of the communityafter ayear.Results of the study show that the temporal dynamics of thecommunity was a function of the seasonality in salinity and oftherelatively consistent nature of the substrate. Abundances ofmacroinfaunal crustaceans, chaetognaths, and molluscsfluctuatedsignificantly over 12 months, and corresponded to the seasonalfluctuation in salinity. Total and polychaete abundances didnotshow significant monthly variation, but tended to beinfluenced bysalinity changes. Densities of turbellarians, nemerteans, andechinoderms appeared homogeneous across 12 months, andcorrelatedwith the consistency of substrate structure in the reef flatoverthe experimental period. In addition, sipunculid numbersseemed tobe supported by the stable amount of organic matter in thesandysubstrate.