Due to modernization of growth technologies and the increasing of growth trout densities, were highlighted differences in terms of the final products obtained quality. Therefore, we aimed to identify the possible morphological and histologica l changes of the digestive system of rainbow trout, by adequate investigation on some specimens from two different farming systems, one classical and the oth er superintensive-recirculating. Respecting the workin g protocols, were slaughtered trout from each syste m, being prelevated samples and segments of the esophagus and stomach. The results did not reveal morphological and histological differences, except for some lipids deposits. Introduction: One of the most intensively exploited fish species, both nationally and throughout the world, is rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ). Even if they have done anatomical and histological studies of the digestiv e tract (Geyiko glu et al ., 2004; Khojasteh, 2012), we believe they are insufficient, this being the reason we want to bring our contribution at the completion of the literature. Aims and Objectives. From the perspective of diversification of rearing technologies and replacing animal protein ingredien ts with plant constituents in the forage structures (economical reason), we intend to invest igate the changes that occur in the digestive tract, both anatomically and histological ly. Materials and Methods. Experiments were conducted in 2012, being slaughtered 10 rainbow trout from each group. The origin of the bi ological material was common, from the same population (Fiad trout nursery, Bistri Ńa-Nasaud County). The collected samples were fixed in 10% formalin and then, were included in paraffin , passing then through all stages of hydration, re-hydration and the microtome sectionin g. Coloration protocols were hematoxylin- eosin and goldners'trichrome. Anatomical observations were made macroscopically. Results and Discussions. At the esophageal mucosa level, respectively esoph ageal lumen, are present parallel longitudinal folds. In terms of coloring, they have a pale tinge in the first third (in close proximity to pharyngo-eso phageal junction), gradually becoming pale pink in the middle third, and later, the hue of pin k to become more evident in the last third, sometimes with reddish tints. The role of these pro minences is to enable esophagus to dilate, when the catch is large prey. On the back part of t he first third of the esophagus, are present the pneumatic duct that connects the esophagus and air bladder. Precisely for this reason, rainbow trout is fall within pfizostoumos fish cate gory, less evolved. Highly evolved fish (as fish belonging to the Cyprinidae family), no have this duct. Boundary demarcation be tween the esophagus and stomach is evident, and is resemb les at the eso-gastric junction with a pseudo-sphincter.
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