This study introduces an agent‐based model (ABM) pedestrian simulation tool to assess the risk of close contact (6 feet) in dynamic indoor environments, specifically in urban settings with diverse social activities and spatial structures. Our approach uses machine learning‐based sensitivity analysis (SA) to identify factors impacting the number of individual contacts, such as individual stay time and area. In addition, we conducted an in‐depth quantitative analysis to evaluate how specific factors, such as the strategic placement of obstacles, dwell time, and stay time near the entrances, mitigate the number of contacts. This analysis provides valuable insights for developing practical guidelines to curb contact risks in indoor environments. Lastly, we share the model, validation methods, and associated data as an open‐source Python library, complete with comprehensive documentation. This aims at fostering collaborative research and enables the application of our model across various scenarios, contributing to the development of spatially explicit models. Such efforts enhance the understanding of contact risks in urban indoor settings and promote joint research efforts, thus advancing the field through shared knowledge and tools.