The state's policy is to integrate information systems into a single information space within the electronic health care system. The state plans and coordinates information systems that are implemented at the expense of the state or local budgets in order to rationalize the use of available resources and to avoid duplication of information systems functionality. With regard to information systems implemented through private funds, the function of the state is to build infrastructure (standardization, certification, market surveillance) for quality management in the market. The state provides single entry of information and its further processing in many information systems, storage of basic patient information within the central component of the WHO, and expanded information (eg data in clinical registers) in decentralized specialized information systems.
 The purpose of this study is to study the place of information technology in the implementation of medical activities. I would point out that medical activity is a set of actions of medical and pharmaceutical workers in providing medical care or service to a patient within the legal (subject to obtaining a license) and ethical (oath of Hippocrates) norms, ie compliance with the stages of treatment in accordance with the established standards of the Ministry of Health. We used in research scientific methods to analise in an objective and systematic way the information technology in the performance of medical activities, describe it with empirical. formal-logical, comparative-legal methods.
 It should be noted that e-Health is an electronic system that helps patients to receive and to doctors to provide quality medical services. All medical records throughout 2019 will be transmitted electronically. The main purpose of implementing an electronic healthcare system is to minimize fraud and corruption. In the future, e-Health will enable everyone to get their medical information quickly and doctors will be able to diagnose correctly with a holistic picture of the patient's health. The aim of the MoH is to launch a full-fledged eHealth by 2020, which would not only reflect the relationship between the hospital and the state but also be a register of medical records of all Ukrainians.
 Results. Thus, with the advancement of information technology, the growing share of medical research that relies on mathematical (computer) modelling has become commonplace in clinical practice, making it clear that IT capabilities are becoming a major contributor to medicine and health care. To date, many serious studies and projects are being implemented in the world to implement IT in the medical field. Due to medical reform, continuous computerization necessitated the need for medical staff to have computer skills. Today, in the medical field, services such as electronic medical record, electronic prescription, electronic referral, etc. are included in daily life. Electronic automated preparation of appointments, prescriptions, statements, hospital letters and other standardized documents for patients. In particular, there are automated databases of medical, pharmaceutical and scientific-pedagogical staff of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
 Conclusion. The impact of IT on health care plays an extremely important role, as with the implementation of health care reform in Ukraine there is complete computerization of all branches of the medical field.
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