Goal. To establish pathomorphological changes in the internal organs of domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica Linnaeus, 1758) in experimental eimeriosis. Methods. Methods used: clinical observation, coprological examination, pathological autopsy of experimental pigeons, analysis of sectional studies, histopathological examination of samples of selected organs (intestine, liver, spleen and bursa of Fabricius). Experimental clinically healthy pigeons were experimentally infested orally by sporulated culture of Eimeria spp. (E. labbeana — 74.6%, E. columbae — 21.9%, E. columbarum — 3.5%). Then for 8 days they studied the dynamics of oocyst secretion by the Fulleborn method, after which birds were euthanized with subsequent pathomorphological studies. Results. The data obtained indicate that in experimental eimeriosis in adult pigeons develop: moderate hyperplasia of lymphoid nodules of the villi of the duodenum, diffuse superficial desquamative duodenojeunitis with serous edema and lymphocytic infiltration of intestinal hemorrhage and lymphocytic infiltration of intestinal villi, spleen congestion with the development of local or diffuse hemosiderosis, delayed involutional atrophy of nodules in the bursa of Fabricius, hyperplasia of lymphoid nodules of the liver, the development of moderate degenerative changes in hepatocytes, hemostasis in the central and interparticle veins. Conclusions. In pigeons with acute experimental eimeriosis, according to the results of the study, dominated the hyperplastic processes of lymphoid structures located in the intestinal villi of the duodenum, spleen, Fabricius bursa, and liver. Signs of delay of involutionary processes are revealed in Fabricius’s bursa. In the intestinal tract, the most severe pathologies were localized within the duodenum and small intestine.