Abstract An analytical approach is developed in this paper to evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance of an optical wireless (OW) communication system with multiplexing of the RF orthogonal frequency division (OFDM) over turbulent condition taking into account the effect of pointing error. The received signal is detected through direct detection receiver followed by RF synchronous demodulation including the effect of OW channel and different form of noises such as receiver thermal noise, background channel noise and photo detector shot noise. Analysis is developed for an OFDM system over the OW channel, taking into account the effect of pointing error between the transmitter and the receiver in turbulent condition and the analysis reveals that the OFDM OW system is less affected by pointing error with deference to the major power penalty at BER performance. For instance, power penalty at BER 10−9 is found to be 3 dB for 256 OFDM subcarriers with 9 millidegree displacement angle at a data rate of 10 Gbps under turbulent condition. It is found that the system is more influenced by the atmospheric turbulence at a higher data rate.