The solar to electrical power conversion efficiency for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs)incorporating a solid-state organic hole-transporter can be over 5%. However, this is fordevices significantly thinner than the optical depth of the active composites and bycomparison to the liquid electrolyte based DSCs, which exhibit efficiencies inexcess of 10%, more than doubling of this efficiency is clearly attainable if allthe steps in the photovoltaic process can be optimized. Two issues are currentlybeing addressed by the field. The first aims at enhancing the electron diffusionlength by either reducing the charge recombination or enhancing the chargetransport rates. This should enable a larger fraction of photogenerated charges tobe collected. The second, though less actively investigated, aims to improve thephysical composite formation, which in this instance is the infiltration of mesoporousTiO2 with the organichole-transporter 2,2′,7,7′-tetrakis(N,N-di-p-methoxypheny-amine)-9,9′-spirobifluorene (spiro-MeOTAD). Here, we perform a broad experimental study to elucidatethe limiting factors to the solar cell performance. We first investigate the charge transport andrecombination in the solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell under realistic working conditionsvia small perturbation photovoltage and photocurrent decay measurements. From thesemeasurements we deduce that the electron diffusion length near short-circuit is as long as20 µm. However, at applied biases approaching open-circuit potential under realisticsolar conditions, the diffusion length becomes comparable with the film thickness,∼2 µm, illustrating that real losses to open-circuit voltage, fill factor and hence efficiency areoccurring due to ineffective charge collection. The long diffusion length near short-circuit,on the other hand, illustrates that another process, separate from ineffective chargecollection, is rendering the solar cell less than ideal. We investigate the process ofTiO2 mesopore infiltration with spiro-MeOTAD by examining the cross-sectional images of andperforming photo-induced absorption spectroscopy on devices with a range of thickness,infiltrated with spiro-MeOTAD with a range of concentrations. We present ourinterpretation of the mechanism for material infiltration, and by improving thecasting conditions demonstrate efficient charge collection through devices of over7 µm in thickness. This investigation represents an improvement in our understanding of thelimiting factors to the dye-sensitized solar cell. However, much work, focused on compositeformation and improved kinetic competition, is required to realize the true potential of thisconcept.
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