Soil bacteria group which can release soil P-adsorbed is phosphate bacteria (PB). PB can release soil P-adsorbed through: 1) acidification, 2) chelating 3) ligand exchange 4) mineralization and 5) compete colloid sorption site. PB have a potential to release soil P-adsorbed. This study was aimed to determining the character and PB inoculant potential in soil P-adsorbed release. The results of BLASTn PB showed that isolate 1 was Pseudomonas trivialis , isolate 5 was Pseudomonas putida and isolate 9 was Pseudomonas fluorescens . Based on the growth curve on day 5 th (the end log. phase) population of Pseudomonas trivialis was 10 10 CFU/mL, Pseudomonas putida was 10 14 CFU/mL and Pseudomonas fluorescens was 10 17 CFU/mL. Storage inoculant PB population decrease 97-84 % and 80-65 % PB lowering capabilities.
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