The modern development of the system of training of social workers in higher education institutions requires high-quality teaching staff, which raises the issue of technological aspects of training future doctors of philosophy in social work for teaching (pedagogical) activities. The study used such methods as: analysis and synthesis of regulatory and literary sources on the problem under study, educational and scientific programmes of HEIs in the speciality 231 "Social Work", questionnaires. As a result of the survey among higher education students - future doctors of philosophy in social work, it was determined that they consider the following forms of training to be the most effective "learning - discussion", "learning - training", "learning - cooperation", "learning - theatre", "learning - research", "learning - game". The types of lectures that every tenth respondent prefers are identified, namely, lectures with visual aids and discussions, interactive and using the latest technologies, dialogue, and games. Among the practical classes, every fifth respondent considers discussions to be the most effective, and every tenth - practical classes with elements of training or in the form of open discussion, case studies, and training. Every fourth respondent suggests that lectures should be less theory, more practical knowledge and visuals, so that the information is up-to-date and interesting, less information for note-taking and more for discussion, conducted in the form of dialogue and games; and practical classes should be more interesting information from personal sources and theatrical, interactive, discussions and training. The factors that, in the opinion of higher education students, contribute to the effectiveness of practical training by the teacher, namely: students' readiness and interaction with the teacher, innovative forms of teaching, the formation of a set of professional competencies and social skills (soft-skills), in particular, communication, management, interaction with people, autonomy and responsibility. Thus, in the practice of training future doctors of philosophy in social work for teaching (pedagogical) activities, it is effective to comprehensively introduce effective forms and methods of teaching and take into account the factors influencing the quality of teaching.
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