Global Love wave phase velocity variation was constructed for periods between 80 and 200 s by using approximately 9000 paths from 971 earthquakes (with M ≥ 5.5). The data set was from GDSN and GEOSCOPE networks between 1980 and 1987. We examined both the spherical harmonic expansion method and the block parameterization method. With a simple, constant damping parameter approach, synthetic tests showed that more accurate results were obtained by the block parameterization method than by the spherical harmonic expansion method. We adopted the block inversion method with a (nearly) equal area block (5° × 5° near the equator) discretization. The general pattern of the resulting maps were consistent with previous global and local studies. With a discretization of 5° by 5°, the maps were detailed enough to test some plate tectonic models. For the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, surface-wave velocities increased smoothly to plate ages older than 100 Ma. Simple forward modeling showed that seismic phase velocity variation with a continuous thickening of lithosphere up to about 150 Ma fits the present observation, disagreeing with the model deduced from the heat flow and ocean depth data, which change variations at about 60–80 Ma. The seismic phase velocity variations in different oceans showed systematic differences at younger ages, and convergence beyond 100 Ma. The difference at younger ages implies a failure of scaling derived from a simple thermal boundary layer model for oceanic plates. Age-seismic phase velocity relationships on each side of ridges were also examined and asymmetric velocity variations were found, which suggests differences in thermal states from one side of the ridge to the other. In order to further examine the thermal state of the lithosphere, average age-phase velocity relations were established for each ocean, and subtracted from phase velocity variation maps. The results indicated broad, low-velocity regions in the south Pacific (super-swell region), the south and west Indian Ocean, and high-velocity regions east of the East Pacific Rise and in the north to northeast Indian Ocean. The results reflect the asymmetry of phase velocity variation about ridges. There is some correlation between hot-spot locations and low-velocity anomalies, but additional, large-scale thermal anomalies exist under old oceanic plate.