Background: This research paper examines the cultural and social empowerment of In India and Indonesia, Muslim women make up the majority of the framework of personal law. Objective: This study's major goal is to investigate the connection between cultural empowerment, personal law awareness, and the resulting empowerment of Muslim women. The research aims to provide insights into factors influences cultural and social dimensions of empowerment. Methods: Employing a mixed-methods approach involving surveys and questionnaires, the study gathers data from Muslim women in both countries. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the connections between variables are evaluated. effect of cultural empowerment, social empowerment and Muslim personal law on both the countries. Findings: The analysis reveals a strong correlation between awareness of Muslim Personal laws and empowerment indicators, including engagement with cultural identity and social participation. Conclusion: The research underscores the pivotal role of personal law awareness in shaping the cultural and social empowerment of Muslim women. The findings emphasize the significance of legal literacy and its potential to bridge the gap between cultural norms and legal rights, ultimately contributing to the overall empowerment of Muslim women in diverse societal contexts.
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