This study aims to determine the effect of a healthy lifestyle and stress management on the academic performance of students at Muhammadiyah University of Lamongan, using a quantitative method and purposive sampling technique on 45 respondents. The data was analyzed using multiple linear regression with SPSS version 27. The results show that a healthy lifestyle does not have a significant effect on academic performance, while stress management has a significant effect. Simultaneously, a healthy lifestyle and stress management have a significant positive effect on academic performance. Based on these findings, students need to pay more attention to how they manage stress, particularly in coping with academic pressures. Educational institutions, such as UMLA, can provide support by offering stress management training programs, such as psychological counseling, motivational seminars, or workshops on relaxation techniques and mindfulness. In addition, institutions can promote healthy lifestyles by organizing regular sports activities and providing access to health facilities. Academic departments may also consider policies that promote a balance between academic demands and student well-being, such as offering flexible deadlines and personal guidance. Given that this study explains only 15.6% of the variability in academic performance, future research can explore other factors, such as learning motivation, teaching methods, social support, and the use of technology in the learning process.