Feeding ecology of gadwalls (Anas strepera) wintering in southwestern Louisiana was examined during November-March 1977-78. Gadwalls consumed 95.3% plant vegetation, 0.5% plant seeds, and 4.2% animal matter. Algae comprised one-third of the diet, and common widgeongrass (Ruppia maritima), dwarf spikerush (Eleocharis parvula), spiked watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), and baby pondweed (Potamogeton pusillus) were also important foods. Diet was similar for both sexes, and food preference was usually related to relative abundance of available foods. Wintering gadwalls consumed large amounts of vegetation to meet metabolic requirements, thus habitat management practices should ensure the production and availability of nutritious and preferred foods during October-May. J. WILDL. MANAGE. 46(1):71-79 Over 1 million waterfowl winter in southwestern Louisiana (H. A. Bateman, unpubl. reps., La. Wildl. and Fish. Comm., 1977-78). Many areas have been modified through construction of impoundments and weirs that regulate water levels and increase production of waterfowl foods (Chabreck 1976). However, thousands of hectares of habitat are lost annually due to oil and commercial development, channelization, diking, erosion, and saltwater intrusion (Duffy 1974). Concern over habitat loss and the welfare of wintering waterfowl has stimulated interest in the requirements of wintering waterfowl and how well present management meets these requirements (Fredrickson and Drobney 1979). Gadwalls comprise over one-third of the wintering duck population in southwestern Louisiana (Bateman, unpubl. reps., 197778). Gadwall numbers in managed areas have increased dramatically in the past few decades (Perry et al. 1971). Previous feeding-ecology studies of wintering gadwalls have been confined to the southeastern United States, and did not assess seasonal variation in diets (Kerwin and Webb 1972, Landers et al. 1976). I examined the feeding ecology of gadwalls to identify seasonal requirements and suggest modifications in present management practices that may better provide for dietary needs. I thank R. Crawford, T. Joanen, L. McNease, K. Paulus, D. Trauger, and W. Wrenn for help during the study. I am grateful to personnel of Sabine National Wildlife Refuge and Little Pecan Island Hunt Club, B. Richard, and hunters for providing gizzards. P. DuBowy helped with invertebrate identification, R. Carlson with proximate analysis of foods, and A. Afton, R. Blohm, R. Sayler, G. Swanson, and 2 anonymous referees with manuscript review. Financial support was provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, University of North Dakota, and the Society of Sigma Xi.
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