This study aimed to observe and quantitatively analyze the morphology and distribution of uterine nerve fibers using fluorescence micro-optical sectioning tomography (fMOST). The goal was to provide an accurate morphological reference for pathological evaluations of uterine nerves. Using fMOST technique, we observed and analyzed the distribution of nerve fibers within the uterus. Our findings revealed a radial dispersion of nerve fibers radiating from myometrium to endometrium. The cervix uteri region exhibited a high density of nerve fibers, displaying terminations in a flower spray pattern. In contrast, nerve fibers in corpus uteri were comparatively sparse. However, we identified a unique "vine-like" pattern of a single nerve fiber extending from myometrium to endometrial layer in areas with concentrated nerves. The fMOST technique is able to effectively elucidate the morphology and distribution of uterine nerve fibers. This method enables three-dimensional visualization of nerves in myometrium and offers a novel approach to observe the pathological changes in uterine nerves.