In recent years, sports injury rehabilitation has developed into a specialized field that has forced the combination of an orthopedic surgeon, sports physiotherapist, and sports physician. Determining the appropriate time for an injured athlete to resume practice or competition is regarded as sports rehabilitation. Discovering the best solutions to avoid injuries, maximize recovery, and enhance performance is crucial for sports activities. The study introduced an intelligent rehabilitation assistant (IRA) that leverages advanced deep learning (DL) methods to enhance sports injury recovery. In this study, the IRA incorporates redefined prairie dog optimized bidirectional long-short-term memory (RPDO-Bi-LSTM) to enhance accuracy, predicting sports injury recovery. The study collected data on the state of rehabilitation, physiological parameters, and general health using wearable sensors and movement patterns. The data was preprocessed using a median filter to remove noise from sensor data. Region-based segmentation using segmented images from preprocessed data. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) using extracted features from obtained data. The IRA provides personalized recovery plans and real-time feedback. The framework consists of the components, suggested models to create quality scores for motions, measurements to quantify motion performance, and scoring of performance measurement elements into numerical quality scores. The proposed method is implemented using Python software. RPDO-Bi-LSTM presentation is evaluated by various metrics, such as accuracy 94.2% recall 98.2%, precision 96.5%, and specificity 95.2%, f1 score 95.6%, he planned technique attained good performance and improved the accuracy of sports injury recovery.