A quiescent single-component gravity-free gas subject to a small steady uniform temperature gradient T, despite being at rest, is shown to experience a drift velocity UD=-D* gradient ln T, where D* is the gas's nonisothermal self-diffusion coefficient. D* is identified as being the gas's thermometric diffusivity alpha. The latter differs from the gas's isothermal isotopic self-diffusion coefficient D, albeit only slightly. Two independent derivations are given of this drift velocity formula, one kinematical and the other dynamical, both derivations being strictly macroscopic in nature. Within modest experimental and theoretical uncertainties, this virtual drift velocity UD=-alpha gradient ln T is shown to be constitutively and phenomenologically indistinguishable from the well-known experimental and theoretical formulas for the thermophoretic velocity U of a macroscopic (i.e., non-Brownian) non-heat-conducting particle moving under the influence of a uniform temperature gradient through an otherwise quiescent single-component rarefied gas continuum at small Knudsen numbers. Coupled with the size independence of the particle's thermophoretic velocity, the empirically observed equality, U=UD, leads naturally to the hypothesis that these two velocities, the former real and the latter virtual, are, in fact, simply manifestations of the same underlying molecular phenomenon, namely the gas's Brownian movement, albeit biased by the temperature gradient. This purely hydrodynamic continuum-mechanical equality is confirmed by theoretical calculations effected at the kinetic-molecular level on the basis of an existing solution of the Boltzmann equation for a quasi-Lorentzian gas, modulo small uncertainties pertaining to the choice of collision model. Explicitly, this asymptotically valid molecular model allows the virtual drift velocity UD of the light gas and the thermophoretic velocity U of the massive, effectively non-Brownian, particle, now regarded as the tracer particle of the light gas's drift velocity, to each be identified with the Chapman-Enskog "thermal diffusion velocity" of the quasi-Lorentzian gas, here designated by the symbol UM/M, as calculated by de la Mora and Mercer. It is further pointed out that, modulo the collective uncertainties cited above, the common velocities UD,U, and UM/M are identical to the single-component gas's diffuse volume current jv, the latter representing yet another, independent, strictly continuum-mechanical concept. Finally, comments are offered on the extension of the single-component drift velocity notion to liquids, and its application towards rationalizing Soret thermal-diffusion separation phenomena in quasi-Lorentzian liquid-phase binary mixtures composed of disparately sized solute and solvent molecules, with the massive Brownian solute molecules (e.g., colloidal particles) present in disproportionately small amounts relative to that of the solvent.
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